One of the most popular places for boaters to visit in Puget Sound, the Poulsbo Marina is part of downtown Poulsbo – also known as “Little Norway”. Visiting boaters enjoy a clean, well run marina and a multitude of shops, galleries and eateries all within a block or two of the boat.


DOCK F - The angled dock at the top is the seaplane base, and is reserved for seaplanes only.
Sea Plane Base
DOCK F - The angled dock at the top is the seaplane base, and is reserved for seaplanes only.
Sea Plane Base
DOCKS F, E - in the upper left (north) are the For Guest Moorage
130 guest moorage slips, complete with fresh water and 30 amp power
Guest Moorage
DOCKS F, E - in the upper left (north) are the For Guest Moorage
130 guest moorage slips, complete with fresh water and 30 amp power
Guest Moorage
Sun.-Sat. 8:00am to 4:00pm
Fuel Dock
Sun.-Sat. 8:00am to 4:00pm
Fuel Dock
Permanent Moorage
Seasonal / Transient Moorage
DOCKS AA, A, B, C is gated. DOCK D (Commercial) is not gated.
The Port of Poulsbo has 253 permanent moorage slips, complete with fresh water and 30 amp power.
We often have slips available for transient moorage. These slips are made available by permanent moorage customers who are away on extended trips. Winter Moorage starts Oct. 1st goes thru April 30th. Both are on monthly basis.
Permanent Moorage
Seasonal / Transient Moorage
DOCKS AA, A, B, C is gated. DOCK D (Commercial) is not gated.
The Port of Poulsbo has 253 permanent moorage slips, complete with fresh water and 30 amp power.
We often have slips available for transient moorage. These slips are made available by permanent moorage customers who are away on extended trips. Winter Moorage starts Oct. 1st goes thru April 30th. Both are on monthly basis.
Restrooms ~ Laundry Showers
Restrooms, showers and laundry are located at the head of the ramp above our offices. If you are visiting by auto, please use the city parking lot immediately adjacent or Port public parking lot located on Jensen Way.